Category: Opinion

  • Add Your Two Cents

    Add Your Two Cents

    Robert Reich suggested we write to our Congress critters in his recent “What you can do” substack. I suggest we do this, however, don’t call, don’t email, actually put a letter in the mail but add your two cents worth, literally. When we were caring for my mother we spent hours going through her mail.…

  • This website is NOT being modified

    So, we start rewriting the world so we can avoid erase inconvenient truths.

  • Gospel Reflection for Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

    Gospel Reflection for Fifth Sunday after Pentecost

    Each week one of a team of folk at St Andrews Episopal Church, Madison, WI writes a Justice Reflection based on the Gospel reading for the week from the lectionary. This week is my turn so I share here my submission for publication in the newsletter. #theology #faith Mark 4:35-41 4:35 On that day, when…

  • My Question to the Politics War Room

    Al and James, This is from the “No Good Deed Goes Unpunished” department. I won’t blame James for telling me how important it is to pony up cash to support the candidate of my choice because I’ve done it for decades, but I may create a bogus email to avoid what has become Democratic spam.…

  • Submitted this morning to the Wisconsin State Journal Editorial Page

    Kudos to the non-partisan League of Women Voters this week for providing their “Candidates’ Answers” insert in the Isthmus. It is available if you pick up the Isthmus this week or on their web site ( It is an indispensable resource for reviewing the requirements for voting and for learning about positions each candidate holds…