For What its worth
Add Your Two Cents
Robert Reich suggested we write to our Congress critters in his recent “What you can do” substack. I suggest we do this, however, don’t call, don’t email, actually put a letter in the mail but add your two cents worth, literally. When we were caring for my mother we spent hours going through her mail.…
I woke up this morning naggingly aware of the impending damage that could be done, what with Elon and his boys combing though sensitive Govt payment systems, including anytime I got a check for anything, SSA, tax refund, access to countless millions of records of personal information, and the first thing in my head was…
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So, we start rewriting the world so we can avoid erase inconvenient truths.
Three Letter Terrorism
It appears this administration always needs a 3 letter “Boogie-man” to pull out at every opportunity to deflect attention. Currently it is “DEI.” If I remember correctly, the last time they were driving the clown car it was “CRT.”
Reblog of Jeff KC9UNZ:
Reblog via Jeff KC9UNZ Thank you Guardian for clearly pointing fingers. IMHO children (and adults) don't learn anything unless they suffer the consequences of their actions whether it be climate warming or electoral choice. Some consequences however are so dire what do the half of us do while the other half blissfully drives the bus…
Aurora Borealis
While very difficult to see with the naked eye, a time lapse photo of the northern sky makes the Aurora Borealis easier to see tonight here in Galena, IL. #AuroraBorealis #Nature
Christmas Cactus
My Mom always had a Christmas Cactus that has passed down to my sister and has grown to gargantuan proportions. This was in the window at Fritz and Frites in Galena, IL. While one would expect red flowers to bloom around Christmas, thus the name, I’ve never seen red phylloclades. #bloomscrolling
I can still remember a time when we used to close places. We are having our anniversary dinner at Fritz and Frites in Galena, IL. We are now officially at the age where we open the place.
Absentee Voting
I may not have one of those nifty “I voted” stickers for my lapel but I do have this from #Vote2024
Wildlife this morning
This is some of the wildlife this morning at Governor Dodge State Park on Madison, WI #nature #animals