Category: Uncategorized
Three Letter Terrorism
It appears this administration always needs a 3 letter “Boogie-man” to pull out at every opportunity to deflect attention. Currently it is “DEI.” If I remember correctly, the last time they were driving the clown car it was “CRT.”
Reblog of Jeff KC9UNZ:
Reblog via Jeff KC9UNZ #Birds made nests inside both the “a’s” of Michael’s Custard. As I took this #nature shot a small brown bird came in for a landing.
We plow the fields and scatter the good seed on the land…
Tilling is underway in Wisconsin. From my walk this morning.
Reblog of Today I learned: London Beer Flood of 1814
Be careful out there my brewmaster friends. Reblog via Today I learned TIL about the London Beer Flood of 1814 that killed 8 people by a wall of porter released from a brewery tank failure. #todayilearned
Reblog of nixCraft 🐧:
Reblog via nixCraft 🐧 Job requirements:> 10+ years of hands-on experience in building and deploying Generative Al models using OpenAl and Python. These recruiters never fail to amaze me. Maybe they are the perfect candidates to replace their job with LLM.
First Day
Finally nice enough for the driving range.
Reblog via Steve Herman As New Hampshire voters prepare to cast their votes in the state's first-in-the nation primary, a robo-call is circulating in the state urging Democrats to stay home – using fake audio of President Biden.
Reblog via Jeff Fillian Guess who finally woke up this morning. #SilentSunday
Some little friends on my morning walk
I didn’t expect to see #Cranes at the end of November.