Category: Uncategorized

  • Luke 15:1-10

    Luke 15:1-10

    REPORT OF THE AD HOC COMMITTEE TO INVESTIGATE JESUS OF NAZARETH Everybody knows that there is a social hierarchy, certainly anyone who’s been to junior high. Apparently Jesus didn’t pay attention in 7th grade and needs to be reminded who is in and who is out and certainly that does not include tax collectors and…

  • This evening at Pope Farm Conservency…

    This evening at Pope Farm Conservency…

  • We are living at the beginning…

    Interesting perspective. Instead of thinking we are looking at the apocalyplic end of the human experiment we are at the nacient beginning. That changes one’s perspective on who we are today and how we live. I’ve just put “What We Owe the Future” by William MacAskill on hold at the library. It looks like it…

  • I’ve been reading…

    Just finishing “Saving Us: A Climate Scientist’s case for Hope and Healing in a Divided World” by Katherine Hayhoe. Not a litany of Inconvenient Truths (Sorry Al, but I did buy and read that one a few years back) but a book about talking about those inconvenient truths. Katherine gave an interesting Ted Talk in…

  • Wanda’s Hundreth

    We were at Wanda’s Hundreth BIrthday today in Holstein, IA and ABC News from Sioux CIty came for an interview. You can see it here: Wanda’s 100th

  • Just Get Off Your Butts and Vote

    What we hear and see on the media is good for selling papers (now there is an anachronism) but not completely accurate. Usually it is the folk making the most noise that get the most press while the real numbers are more difficult to discern. Using my own swing state as an example, we have…

  • B-B-B-B Bad to the Bone

    Philosophical thought for the morning. I drove a bucket of balls this morning. Why, as we age, do we not give ourselves enough time to be bad at something. (that may give you a clue at how the driving went this morning) Is it patience, embarrassment, perceived ROI, comfort zone. I’ll never be Tiger. I…

  • Soo Locks

    I’ve been toying with the Bands on my radio, a Yaesu FT5DR, which includes a bunch of different bands. It has a voice record function and while we were at the Soo Locks I listened in on Maritime 14 which is where you contact the Lockmaster. Interesting. Here is a small sample.

  • Toying with a webcam today

  • Lawn Mowing. December? Really?

    Ok. I realize that for some of you this is not a little weird but for me lawn mowing in December is just not right.