Since I am isolating for #COVID I’ve moved a few of my #HamRadio handheld radios into my “cell.” It’s been a while since I used my #DMR radio and #pistar and was surprised it wasn’t working. There was plenty of activity in the brandmeister hoseline and although my pi-star reported that my radio was connecting to it in my pi-star but my pi-star connection to the network was yellow.
I’m not sure if there if the Hotspot security password expires after a certain amount of time of not having used the connection or simply after a certain amount of time but I decided to go to brandmeister self care and enter a new password.
I entered a new random password in the self-care page and then went to my pi-star configuration page and pasted in the same password and applied the changes.
Once the update went through, voila, the network status turned green (see above) and my radio started talking to me.
Now I can do something other than bingeing NCIS for the next 4 days! Thanks DMR!